Craniosacral Therapy For Children

If you are celebrating a new arrival congratulations. Pregnancy can be a special time, but It can also be very stressful. As hormones surge and the body changes, pelvic pain, discomfort and tiredness can be a side effect. Craniosacral work is a gentle and potent way to help mums and babies accommodate and ease into these changes. It can also help build health during this time.
Gentle Therapy

Should I Consider Craniosacral Therapy For My Child?

If you can relate to any of the above questions, then don’t worry. Many things may be causing this sort of discomfort and disturbance. It’s tough making the transition from the womb to the world! Both parents and the baby can face dozens of new challenges. Help and support are what is needed at this time.

Some of these challenges can be following birth interventions and many of them can be helped gently and naturally with craniosacral therapy. Not only can craniosacral therapy help a baby find more ease, but it also helps the new parents as they find their way in their roles as mother and father.

Gentle and Natural

Craniosacral therapy is gentle, it is not forceful or invasive and can quickly and easily correct subtle restrictions within baby’s system to allow happier feeding, and sleeping.

Challenges like tongue tie, poor latch for sucking, colic, gas, constipation, torticollis, gastric reflux, fussy baby, flathead, hyper/hypotonia, teething, ear infections and more can all be improved with craniosacral therapy.

For babies, stress or strain from fetal positioning, the birth, or other events can cause restrictions in the flow. When these restrictions are released, there is ease in the nervous system and multiple other aspects of physical functioning. Movement in the body and throughout the whole organic system of the human body functions in harmony when the cerebral spinal fluid is moving with ease.

What happens in a typical session?

A typical session for a child, infant or baby may last approximately 30-60 minutes. The number of treatments varies. Results from treatments can take 1-3 days, as this technique is a holistic whole body treatment that works slowly, gently and deeply.

The bones, cartilage, tissues, fluids, membranes, and fascia, and brain, all respond releasing constrictions. Children are fully clothed for their sessions and babies are often treated in the parent’s arms or lying on their back.

Craniosacral therapy treatments uses a very light touch and are child-friendly.

Book An Appointment

Craniosacral can be used right from birth. If you notice your baby is in discomfort or has one of the issues listed above, call and have a chat, ask questions and give it a try.

Phone number: 087 67 92 546

